Jan – June 2018 Year to Date Real Estate Stats – SOLDS
January – June 2018 Year to Date Statistics & Analysis
Hamilton Real Estate Housing Market Report

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Are You Thinking Of Selling Your House Or Condo SOON?
If you are thinking of selling your house anytime in the next year, it would be wise to meet up soon so we can discuss a Selling Strategy for YOUR home that would get you the most money possible. You can also order this Free Book to help you figure out what you can do right now to help you sell your home Fast!…www.FreeHowToSellYourHouseFastBook.com. It is also a good idea to start getting educated about what homes are selling for in your particular neighbourhood.
If you are thinking about buying a home or condo let me get you set up on a Personalized Search. You would get all the homes that match your exact criteria, the MINUTE they hit the Real Estate Market. These days Freehold homes are on the market for only 18 days (which includes any conditional times for financing and home inspections), so it is extremely important that you know about the Mls Listings As Soon As They Are Listed For Sale!