Hamilton Real Estate Report For October 2017 Stats
Hamilton Real Estate October 2017 Market Report
October 2017 had 1999 New Listings, ALL Types, reported which is up 12.2% from October 2016, and 14.3% higher than the 10-year average. All Residential Sales of 1272 Properties were down only 4.9% from the same month last year. Freehold Sales were down by 12% and Condominium Sales were UP 23.6%. These numbers are showing the INCREASE in Condominium interest. The Average Residential Freehold Sales Price of properties sold through the RAHB Multiple Listing Service® (MLS) system in October 2017 was $602,984 compared to $541,076 the same month last year, an increase of 11.4%, and the Condominium Average Price is $388,601 compared to $374,021, which is up 3.9% from last year for this month.
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The data provided by the Hamilton-Burlington Real Estate Board shows a bit of an increase in Sales. It seems that most of this increase can be attributed to the Condominium Market. The other interesting point is that the Sales to new Listings ratio is also crept up this month to 69%. Still not the 80% and over it was in the Spring of 2017, however, it has entered the lower end of a Sellers Market. The end of month listing inventory shows 2445 Freehold Residential Properties left for sale, up 49.6% compared to 1634 left at the end of the month in 2016. Average days on the market increased from 22 to 31 for Freehold this month, and from 24 to 27 for Condominiums.
What is the Stress Test and is it having an effect on the Fall 2017 Market?

Examples of Mortgage Qualifications After January 1st 2018
Approval for $500,000 today = $400,000 after Jan 1, 2018
Approval for $600,000 today = $480,000 after Jan 1, 2018
Approval for $700,000 today = $560,000 after Jan 1, 2018
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